National Science Council Undergraduate Student Research Project – In the past decade, teachers from the Department of Product Design have successfully guided students to over 65 approved projects!

The National Science Council recently announced the approved projects for the 113th Annual Subsidized Undergraduate Student Research Projects, with Ming Chuan University achieving a new record of 152 approved projects, ranking 4th in the nation, 2nd among private universities, and 1st among private comprehensive universities. The Research and Development Office noted that Ming Chuan University’s excellent performance in recent years in the National Science Council Undergraduate Student Research Projects is not only due to the hard work of the students but also the significant dedication of the faculty advisors.

Among them, Professor Hsin-Chang Lo from the Department of Product Design has successfully guided 19 students in passing National Science Council projects over the past decade, playing a significant role in encouraging Ming Chuan students to engage in academic research. According to data from the Research and Development Office, among Product Design faculty who have guided students to more than 10 approved projects in the past 10 years, Professor Lo leads with 19 projects, averaging two students per year receiving funding. Other notable faculty include Hsiao-Chung Chan with 13 projects, Chen Chen-Fu with 12 projects, and Wan-Li Wei with 11 projects. This year, Chien-Cheng Yan also crossed the 10-project milestone.

Advising Professor Student Name Project Title
詹孝中 柯禹瑄 導入兩性平權概念之兒童玩具設計
衛萬里 郭韋廷 循環經濟思維下的永續性紡織材料運用於燈具創新設計
高凱寧 鍾子涵 幫助零到兩歲幼兒肌肉及認知發展之玩具設計研究
陳振甫 謝姿瑩 提升自閉症兒童類化能力之網路教具設計研究
駱信昌 賴芷怡 高齡者使用公車運輸資訊系統之行動應用程式介面設計
吳湘苹 賴幸均 智慧療癒之觸:AI生成個人化觸感紋理對情緒安撫的影響研究及產品應用設計
廖瑞堂 李鎧彤 「壯世代」之遊戲遙控手把研究與設計 -針對高齡化社會的需求與挑戰
廖瑞堂 廖期緯 聽力障礙者「睡眠喚醒器」之研究與設計
詹孝中 陳兆偉 適應障礙症社交技巧訓練輔具設計

Additionally, in the 113th year, the Department of Product Design successfully secured 9 projects with funding from the National Science Council. The faculty and students of the department continue to work together, consistently achieving outstanding academic results for Ming Chuan University!

Source: Ming Chuan Weekly (